Ideal Hacks to Help Your Small Business Thrive and Grow

Ideal Hacks to Help Your Small Business Thrive and Grow

Growing a small business isn’t as difficult as you may think! With a little focus and guidance, you can make your startup a success.

Learn a few simple operations and marketing hacks to streamline processes, grow your business, gain a larger audience, and generate more sales.

Make sure you do as much as possible to think about the different ideas that are going to play a part in helping you improve and grow your business. There are many ideas you might like to keep in mind here, and helping your company to thrive and grow in such a difficult time is certainly something you need to make sure you make the most of right now. There is a lot you can do to make the right decisions that are going to help your business improve, get more customers, and thrive in this current climate without spending a fortune.

The global pandemic, politics, and the economy we are currently experiencing have made times tough for companies of all sizes in all industries. In fact, the Coronavirus has spelled the end for a lot of companies, and this is why it is so important to make sure you have a plan of action that can help you thrive as much as possible. Here a few tips you can implement now to ensure your business doesn’t experience those same issues.

Manage Your Short-Term and Long-Range Finances Better; Cut Costs and Lower Overhead

Managing your business finances better is one of the best things you can do. Keeping tabs on your financials and creating a budget to prevent overspending are keys to success in today’s oversaturated environment. Hiring an experienced accountant or attorney will be beneficial here. The right professional will help you prevent spending more than you have as well as minimize tax implications. It is a smart idea to allocate spending in this department.

Streamline Your Business and Improve Overall Operations to Enhance Efficiency

Streamlining the business as much as possible is the best action to take to optimize operations. There are quite a few ways of doing this, such as embracing a leaner approach to business and cutting non-essential costs. For instance, eliminate any unnecessary and redundant tasks for your team members, audit your tools and software every month and cut out excess spending, and modernize your processes to improve efficiency. When you keep a tight rein on your spending, oversee processes, and manage your team effectively, all of these actions will help improve your organizational operations.

Evolve and Expand Your Small Business During Today’s Global Crises

The evolution of any business is typically what launches you to greater levels of success and revenue increases. The world changes at a rapid rate, and we need to make sure we change with it. The most successful entrepreneurs are those who stay on the crest of the wave. They are always at the forefront of technology, innovation, creativity, and talent, understanding the changes that occur, and working toward evolving with them. This is essential for helping to keep your business as relevant and as professional as possible. Staying ahead of the competition is the key to success.

Spruce up Your Website, Improve Optimization, Enhance Conversions, and Design Other On Brand Visual Assets

Your company’s website is one of the key ways of being able to generate success. It is the one thing that gives the biggest impression of your company and your brand. Customers will visit your website to get a feel for the business and find out more about you. And they are going to be making judgments about your business based on the quality of the website and social media channels. This is why you need to make sure you have the best possible web design services.

You’ll also want to ensure that you hire a graphics person or a design agency to create your social media strategy and posts. If you’re just starting out and don’t have the funds to outsource these tasks, you can use free design software to create posts and use scheduling software to eliminate tedious tasks of posting your social content manually. These tools will shave hours off social media duties.

Hiring the best possible design team to create and maintain your website and social media channels is critical to your brand’s credibility, aesthetic, and overall reach.

Don’t Cut Back on Organic and Easy Marketing; Plan and Implement a DIY-Publicity Campaign for Free

The one thing that so many business owners do when the economy goes bad is cutting back on marketing efforts, and the budget, and not taking risks on other types of marketing. This is a no-no. Business owners should plan and implement a DIY publicity campaign in order for their businesses to grow. They don’t need to hire a PR firm or outsource a PR campaign to a freelancer. Rather, they can start learning how easy the process is by doing a little research. And what’s more, is that when you implement a publicity campaign on your own, it’s free.

On top of that, there are so many free resources out there that you can take advantage of, too, like reading up on a business growth consultant blog or trying out free trials, but of course, there are actual tools out there that you can use for free like ChatGPT, Canva, Unsplash for images, Creative Market Freebie Drops, and the list could just keep going on and on. You can still do marketing, even when the economy is tough.

Think about what a feature story in,, or can have on your business. Consider what a quote in the New York Times would do for your brand. How credible would that make your business? How much visibility could it produce? How much further would it propel your business over the competition?

Imagine having those bragging rights and the traffic and sales it would send to your website. To put it simply, the right media coverage can be a game-changer for any business when it’s done correctly.

Why not franchise your business?

One of the best ways to grow your small business is to franchise it. There are some things you will need to consider before franchising your small business, though, and tests you will have to perform to decide whether your business model can be franchised. 

Suppose you have a business model that is franchisable and can be replicated. It is essential you understand how to market your franchise so you can recruit franchisees as soon as possible to grow your brand either nationally or internationally. There are many ways you can market your franchise, from using Facebook ads and franchise shows all the way to creating a listing on a directory of franchises. Franchise directory advertising these days is the most popular option for franchisors to recruit new franchise owners. There are many directories out there that offer these services, such as, as an example.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes in Business and Where to Shift Your Focus to Improve Processes

One of the things that you need to keep in mind is that there are a lot of mistakes that entrepreneurs make when running a business. Some of these careless mistakes include spending too much on the wrong things and not spending on the right things, hiring the wrong team, not planning for the future and setting realistic goals, implementing an ineffective pricing strategy, marketing in the wrong places, or not marketing at all, and not delegating tasks. All of these actions are hindrances to the success of your business.

Instead, try to come up with ideas that will play a part in this as much as possible. For example, you should be organized, understand your market, know where to spend on marketing, develop offerings that will sell, be strategic when advertising, be vigilant about hiring the right team members, spend on the necessities, stay focused, and be creative.

Put People such as Employees and Customers First; Create Brand Ambassadors and Brand Evangelists; Reward Your Employees Often

Putting people, specifically customers, first at all times is one of the best things you can do to make the most of growing your business. Make sure you try to come up with ideas that will allow you to put people first and make your business model all about putting yourself in the customers’ shoes. The more you can do to make the right choices here, the better this is going to wind up being for the company in the long run.

COVID-19 has caused people to re-evaluate their lives and what is important to them, and this has also impacted the way they have chosen to shop and do business, especially in the offline world. So your company needs to make the most of this and try to ensure you focus on people as much as you can. Essentially, providing top-notch customer service will build long-term client loyalty and improve your business's customer retention rate. Rewarding and praising your employees will also help keep them satisfied and motivated so they produce as much as possible.

These are some of the key things you need to make sure you get right when it comes to improving and helping your small business as much as possible in today’s unpredictable market. There are a lot of things that play a part in helping you to make the most of this, and it is vital to ensure you think about some of the best ways of achieving this. By taking the right steps now, you will be able to prevent issues down the road.

3 Steps to Build a Small Business Marketing Budget


Budgeting is something that many people struggle with in their personal lives, so it should come as no surprise that it's often difficult for small business owners as well. There are many different facets of running a business which requires an operating budget. Some, like paying staff and acquiring merchandise or raw materials, are quite obvious, and typically well accounted for. Things become a bit more nebulous, however, once it comes to budgeting for necessities of a less physical nature.

The area that often suffers the most for small businesses is marketing, which traditionally relies heavily on word of mouth. While word of mouth can certainly be a powerful way of getting your name out there, you still need to find a way to get your business in front of somebody to start that word of mouth in the first place. Here are a few steps that can help small business owners establish a marketing budget which makes sense for their size, income, and industry.

Identify Your Target Demographics

If you're running a business, you need to have a good idea of who your customers will be. Do your products attract more women than men? Is it perhaps better aimed at younger, more tech-savvy audiences than older consumers?

You might think your business is more simple than that—a restaurant is mostly interested in serving food, and “hungry people” hardly qualifies as a demographic. Even here, however, there are considerations to make.

Is your restaurant providing a luxury dining experience, serving food made with the finest ingredients? Or are you aiming to offer more casual and quick fare? All these things can drastically affect how your marketing should be designed, where you will see the best results, and how much it will cost. Better still, aiming your marketing at the right demographics may actually save you money, by ensuring a higher return on investment and minimizing advertising venues that won't reach your intended audience effectively.

Establish an Online Presence 

No matter what you're selling, it's essential these days to have some sort of an online presence for your business. At minimum, this keeps anyone from impersonating you and trashing your business's reputation. More importantly, however, is the fact that researching businesses online is an extremely common consumer tactic, and by having accurate and detailed information readily available on the internet, you can guarantee they're getting the right impression.

The exact type of online presence you'll benefit from most will vary depending on your business model. A restaurant, for example, may need a website, equipped with menus and online ordering, while a retailer may want a digital storefront to sell their products to consumers around the globe. Social media can be beneficial to those who may need to communicate quickly with customers about changes to operating hours, menu items, or events, as well as acting as a type of customer service to handle complaints.

What you need for your online presence will also determine your marketing budget, to an extent. While web hosting servers can be quite cheap (many plans are available for under $10 a month), there are some upfront costs when it comes to setting it up, and websites do require regular maintenance to continue functioning securely. While hiring professionals can be an added expense, it's very often worthwhile to ensure your customers have a safe and simple experience with your business.

Crunch the Numbers 

With the above in mind, it's now time to figure out what your budget should look like. Demographic data of your target audience informs your choice of advertising medium, which you can use to estimate marketing costs. You'll also know, at this point, what it will cost to build your web platform and its monthly maintenance costs.

Putting these numbers together into your budget will provide some kind of baseline, but there are other things that you may want to account for in your budgets, such as events and promotions. This is where budgeting can get complicated, and education may need to step in. Finance degree programs are specifically designed around managing money efficiently in this way, so hiring or consulting an expert to fill out a budget more thoroughly can be beneficial in the long run.

Of course, you could also earn this education yourself and keep things in your own hands, if you so desire. Holding a degree in an area of business like this can also be advantageous to your business's image and assist in securing loans and funding by proving you have trustworthy expertise. 

Budgeting can be hard, but it doesn't have to be. Marketing is a critical part of your business's success and should be accounted for in its budget at an appropriate level. You can help your marketing budget to go farther with less by targeting the right demographics through the right venues, building and maintaining a presence on the web, and consulting experts with business degrees (or acquire one yourself) should you get in over your head. Handled properly, this marketing budget can help your business soar to heights you might never have dreamed possible.

Why Your Marketing Isn’t As Successful As It Could Be

Marketing campaigns

Marketing seems to grow in importance with every passing year, and it’s not hard to see why. Since it has never been easier to get a business up and running, there is simply more competition than ever before -- and that means that companies have to work harder than ever before if they’re going to stand out from the crowd.

You’ll already know all this, and will have your own marketing strategies in place. But if you do not see the kind of results that you’d like to see, then you’ll need to do something about it. The good news is that you can make changes to your strategy whenever you want, and once you have, you’ll begin to see better results pretty quickly. But how do you do this? We take a look at a few tried and tested methods below. 

Minimal Time and Effort

As much as you might like to think it was not the case, the brutal fact about marketing is that it’s something that requires a lot of time and attention. Or at least, it’s not something that you can just phone in. If you’ve thus far been hoping that a social media post here and there will yield results, it’s time to work a little harder. Sit down and develop a robust strategy that’ll up the sophistication of your marketing.

You Need More Knowledge

Of course, there’s little value in putting in more time and effort into your marketing if you are not sure what you’re doing in the first place. In this case, it’s worthwhile topping up your knowledge before you move forward. There are programs such as Legendary Marketer that’ll give you the training and resources you need to improve your marketing campaigns. Remember: marketing is a challenging, dynamic area of your business, and the more knowledge you have, the better you can do things.

Outdated Trends

It could be that you actually have an excellent marketing campaign. It’s just what it’s only excellent by 2015 standards, not the standards of 2020. Marketing tactics are always evolving, and, as such, it’s important that you’re keeping up with the latest trends. It could be that the core of your message is fine, but that you’re presenting it using outdated models. Make the change to more modern marketing tools, and you’ll notice an improvement.

There’s No Measurement

Finally, perhaps the most common reasons for underwhelming marketing campaigns is that business owners fail to track what works in their campaigns, and what doesn’t. There’s a whole host of data available that can help to push you in the right direction, but you have to use it for it to be any good. Your data will, first, tell you what your customers want to see and what they like. Second, it’ll let you know where your marketing is reaching peak engagement, and which aspects don’t gain any traction at all. 

Incorporate these tips, and you’ll find that your marketing campaigns have much more success in the coming year and beyond. 

Innovative Ways To Get Your Business Noticed

With so much competition in every industry, getting your business noticed may seem like an impossible task. Gaining enough attention to influence potential customers can appear to be a very expensive and time-consuming task, that often fails or proves unfruitful for many different reasons.

However, fortunately, this does not have to be the case, as there are several projects which you can complete in order to gain sufficient awareness for your brand to succeed. It needn’t be a strenuous or stress-inducing venture, and you may see real results in just a few weeks. So, if you want to know more about how you can get your business noticed, then read on to uncover some of the most innovative ways to improve your reach and increase your customer base today.

Take Advantage Of Social Media

Failing to take advantage of social media and its marketing opportunities can cause you to fall behind many of your competitors, as it’s a key feature to succeed in today's modern world. Using social media platforms is especially effective if your target market is centered on young adults, as they average more than two hours using these applications daily. There are many different organizations online, which you can join and create a page or profile, and you can immediately begin reaching out to potential customers in several ways.

You can gain almost instant feedback from each of your posts or campaigns, as there are often options for users to ‘like’ the content and even leave a comment, in which they can express their thoughts and opinions. Advertising on social media sites is guaranteed to help you reach a much wider audience, and you can really benefit from taking the opportunity to develop your brand reputation online. 

The Wonders Of Event Sponsorship

An innovative way to get your business noticed is by sponsoring different events, such as sports games and concerts. There are several different opportunities to advertise your brand at such places, starting with the most obvious features such as crowd barriers that can showcase your logo and brand name, or getting a special shout out for providing some funding for the event. These are fun ways of reaching more potential customers, and once you invest in quality products, such as those from Eventdisplay, they can last a lifetime and be used over and over again. Get searching to identify some possible events in your local area that you might be able to sponsor, or even start planning your own event to get maximum coverage throughout. 

Take Your Brand To The Streets 

Word of mouth is as effective as ever, so it may be an idea to head out onto the streets to advertise your business in a much more hands-on and personal way. Get together a team of people with impeccable social skills, and ensure that they truly understand the ethos behind your business.

Managing to get a passerby to stop and chat is difficult, so you’ll need to ensure you do some digging to find the best employees for the job so that it is actually worthwhile. Getting the chance to speak with potential customers face-to-face can open up the opportunity to say everything that you cannot squeeze into an advert. This is a particularly good option for those of you whose commerce is done exclusively online, as your quality of customer service will not really exist as such, and this is a great chance for you to put a friendly face to your brand. 

Follow A Trend 

A new and creative option that could potentially open your business up to a much wider market is to get involved with a popular trend or craze. Individuals can earn short-term fame from creating videos or doing challenges that are the focus of that specific week, and you as a business have much more scope to put more effort in and gain an eye-catching result.

If your business has social media pages, ensure that you have a strong presence and post regularly, so that you can begin to round up followers that can spread your next move across the site. Then, whenever a new trend takes over, get involved and make your business become a part of it in a hilarious or inspiring way - post the outcome on your page and spread this through specialized insight tools so that you can appear in the feeds of interested users.

It only takes one funny video to break the internet and become a massive hit nowadays, and the attention that something such as this will get your business is absolutely huge. Of course, it is a risk, as you may put in the effort time and time again without yielding any noticeable results, but the more you attempt to understand the process, the better your chances of success will be. 

Make Connections

Making connections in business is always a positive thing, and is an important factor to consider when trying to get your brand noticed. Pairing up with another established company could give you the boost that you need to get out there and start reaching the wider market. If you’re in the early stages of your business, then this option will be perfect for you, as it can be very tough to get started alone, whilst having the help of a more experienced organization can help to kickstart your venture. It may seem strange to pair up with your competitors, but as the saying goes, ‘keep your friends close, and your enemies closer’!

Hopefully, these innovative marketing concepts can help you to get your business noticed, and allow you to get set in the right direction towards making a profit that you can truly be proud of.