Enhancing Patient Experience in Healthcare: An Evidence-Based Approach

Enhancing Patient Experience in Healthcare: An Evidence-Based Approach

The term "patient experience" refers to the range of contacts that patients have with the healthcare system, including treatment from insurance companies, physicians, nurses, and staff members in hospitals, physician practices, and other healthcare settings. These interactions can significantly influence how patients perceive the quality of their care.

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Three Types of Software you NEED to Protect Your Business

software types

After many, many news stories over the past couple of years detailing extensive fraud, hacking, and data breaches across various countries and sectors, more and more businesses large and small are ramping up their efforts to combat fraud.

Where does your business lie in these efforts? Have you upped your efforts to try and not only detect but to deflect and actively combat fraudulent activity from outside sources as well as inside ones? If not, you should be. 

No matter if you have a very small retail business, or are in charge of a large corporation, you should be doing everything you can to safeguard your livelihood and that of your employees (and clients/customers) by implementing practices, procedures and protocols to prevent fraud. Below, we’ve listed three types of software that are essential to safeguard your business from fraud, no matter what type of industry you’re in. 

Secure Web Hosting/Domain Protection

There are so many types of web hosting and domain names out there for purchase, but not all of them are created equal. Before forking over your bucks to secure one of these domain names, or paying someone to host your site (or both), vet the companies associated very carefully to make sure they are legit. Hackers are notorious for stealing web domains right out from under hard-working businesses, then selling them at auction in plain sight. You might wake up one day and find out that your website is now “owned” by someone else, who had no idea they were buying a stolen domain. This can cost you thousands and thousands of dollars in legal fees, and no guarantee that you’ll get your site back.

Avoid this by carefully vetting any domain name you purchase and making absolutely sure that your web host is 100% on top of security. Paying a monthly fee to ensure that your website is always protected is definitely worth it. 


Fraud can be an easy thing to miss, believe it or not. If you run a fairly large business, sometimes the numbers can run together and you may not always notice a trend that seems suspect until it’s too late. 

This is why link analysis for fraud detection, software that analyzes data and specifically looks for fraudulent behavior, is such a good idea. There’s always room for error when human eyes are looking for a needle in a haystack - it’s easy to miss fraudulent activity. But analytics software can detect fraud quickly and easily, pinpointing fraud through huge amounts of data, highlighting everything from credit card fraud to data breaches, phishing, hacking and more. You’ll be more on top of your business than ever before, always informed. 

Safe, Secure POS

For a retail venture, especially one that primarily sells online, you need a point-of-sale (or POS) software that is safe and secure, preferably one that has built-in safeguards against hacking, credit card fraud, and more. 

Over the years, many POS systems have cropped up that have easy to use interfaces, multiple features (such as analytics, in-site discounts and incentives, marketing tools, and more) that have safety measures built right in. Sites like Shopify and others can detect abnormalities with credit card info, addresses, email addresses and more, and will alert you every time you receive an order or a payment that seems suspect. This will equip you with the ability to decide in real-time whether an order is legit or not. 

These three types of software are must-haves for any businessperson, especially those with an online business, to avoid phishing, hacking, theft, and fraud. With just a few affordable and easy-to-use tools, you’ll be able to weed out fraud from the ground up. 

9 Essential Apps for your Business

Business Tools

As a small business owner, you might not have the manpower to support several different departments so it’s necessary to stay up to date with the latest advances in technology to keep things running as smoothly as possible. You can utilize various apps to do your work for you. Cutting edge technology not only helps you to provide a better service but also makes a good impression on the client and you appear more legitimate. Here are some examples of essential apps to get your business booming.

Dragon Anywhere

The number one voice recognition app is Dragon Anywhere. This app boasts powerful voice editing and formatting and you also get unlimited dictation to the cloud. 


Dealing more with staff and payroll, you save on a whole department. Gusto handles all of your tax deductions, benefits, and other issues and emails everything automatically to your employees as well. 

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot assists you with sales and transactions. With an extensive range of online tools, it aims to provide an all-in-one approach. Essentially a digital sales department, the CRM product tracks and manages interactions between a company and its customers and prospects. It allows you to analyze and forecast your revenue. It’s also free and integrates well with all common, modern software.  


Pocket is an app that means you can save any information and read it later. Things like articles, videos, web pages, and emails, or whatever you can’t read at the moment. Being busy running your own company you won’t always have the time to read everything, so it’s easier to save it for later. 

Social Media apps


Instagram is the most effective way to market your business as there are millions of active users and 70% of people are reported to view a business page before buying. Set up an account and post as often as you can.

Facebook Pixel

This allows you to advertise on Facebook. You have to pay for the adverts but the service is very effective. 


LinkedIn is the most well-known app for facilitating business connections. This will help you to increase your client base and also to get in touch and network with other business owners. 


Square is an app that allows you to set up a point of sale and take card payments for example. You can make online and offline payments and it also helps to grow your business with real-time analytics. This will allow you to have a quick and easy process for invoicing and payments. Many devices can be equipped for card payments which means you make transactions anywhere. 

Wave accounting

Wave accounting, on the other hand, manages your companies finances. It keeps track of sales, invoices, expenses, receipts, and general reports. This helps you to keep an eye on all of your transactions without an accounting department. 

With the technology in place, you will likely need a support system, however. It’s advisable to get in touch with an IT consultancy firm like www.techsquared.com to help you stay on top of any technical issues.