What First Impressions Are You Giving To Customers?


We’re all told not to judge a book by its cover—and yet we all do. If your business isn’t giving off good first impressions to customers, you could be finding it much harder to win over new business. Here are just four areas where first impressions could be very important.

Your physical appearance

If you regularly meet customers in person, it could be important to consider your physical appearance.

Start by considering the way you dress. Whether your customers expect formal attire or casual clothing, it’s important that your clothing is clean, uncreased and a good fit. A tidy dress sense suggests a sense of organization. Good hygiene and a smart hairstyle will also suggest this.

The way you compose yourself also matters. A smile, a confident posture, and a handshake are all things that will warm customers towards you by making you appear friendly and professional.

There are other unusual ways to use physical appearance to create the desired impression. Color psychology for instance—dressing in a certain color—could have an influence on the way customers feel.

Your premises

When customers visit your premises for the first time, it’s also important that the building creates a good impression.

Start by considering the outside of your premises. If you own a store, it could be vital that you have eye-catching signage and an engaging window display. When it comes to offices and clinics, think more about the small details. A commercial lawn service could be worth outsourcing to ensure any grass outside is tidy. Clean windows could be essential.

When it comes to the inside of your premises focus on making the area around the entrance feel inviting. For instance, a cozy office lobby consisting of comfortable furniture and warm lighting could help to make customers feel more welcome. Cleanliness and a lack of clutter are very important.

Your company vehicle

If you turn up to meet customers in a company car or van, you may also want to consider the appearance of this vehicle.

First, you need to be sure that the vehicle is appropriate. A car or van that is visibly in poor condition could suggest that you can’t afford a good vehicle and that your company isn’t very successful. However, turning up in a luxury car could suggest that you overcharge. Something mid-range is generally a good option.

Make sure that your vehicle is also kept clean. Just like your physical appearance and premises, cleanliness shows that you care about your business and the smaller details.

Your online presence

Many consumers may stumble across you online. In these cases, it’s important that you have a strong online presence.

Your website should firstly look professional and should contain all the information your customers need. Make sure that it does not load slowly and that it’s mobile-friendly – these are two big things that can put website visitors off.

A high search engine ranking could meanwhile help you to get found and suggest that you’re a successful business. Consider investing in SEO or try paying for PPC ads. You should also be wary of search engine review features such as Google reviews – having lots of positive reviews will encourage consumers to trust your company. 


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