Do You Need to Run a Background Check On Remote Workers?

Background check - remote workers

Small business owners can enjoy many benefits associated with remote workers. They don’t have to worry about costly overheads for employees and can enjoy access to global talent. You might know all the benefits before hiring remote employees for the first time, but that doesn’t mean you understand the importance of background checks and the possible adverse effects of not performing them. You can find helpful information on background checks and remote workers below.

Should You Perform Background Checks on Remote Workers?

You might not think twice about performing background checks through businesses like Triton Canada before welcoming new employees into your physical business. However, not everyone is convinced that it’s necessary for remote employees. After all, they aren’t working in your workspace with other employees. As a result, they don’t pose any threat.

However, threats are still there; they’re just different threats. The more company information and proprietary client details they obtain, the more of a cyber risk they pose. In fact, over 70% of executives believe remote workers pose a greater security risk than in-person employees.

Every business has the right to decide whether or not to perform background checks on prospective new employees. However, it’s strongly encouraged. Depending on the industry and its involvement with vulnerable members of society, it may even be a legal requirement.

Hiring Process Consistency

Your remote employees would likely perform the same or similar tasks as any in-office employees. They’ll have access to business information in many situations and must comply with the same workplace policies.

As a result, any in-office employees you have may feel like they’re being treated unfairly if they’re being required to undergo a background check and their remote-working colleagues aren’t. Ensure consistent hiring processes for all employees, and you may improve your chances of keeping your workplace content.

Verifying Their Credentials

Hiring a remote workforce enables you to broaden your talent pool and benefit from skills, experience, and qualifications outside your town or city. However, listing specific qualifications or experience on their resume doesn’t mean they have them.

A background check on remote employees can verify any information a prospective employee is telling you. This is because background checks typically provide access to education and employment history.

By informing prospective applicants in your job ad of your requirement for a background check, you might also reduce the risk of receiving applications from people intending to lie and deceive to land a job in your business.

What Can Happen If You Don’t Run a Background Check On Remote Employees?

Not running a background check on remote employees doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad will happen. You might end up hiring a productive, highly qualified, and experienced employee who contributes to your business success. However, bad remote hiring can have many real consequences for your business, such as:

●      Wasting resources spent on training

●      Experiencing reduced productivity

●      A poor company culture

●      Reputation loss

●      Damaged client relationships

●      Legal issues

●      Staff retention issues

You don’t always legally need to run a background check on remote employees, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. By taking this precautionary step, you might improve your chances of hiring the right employee for your business.


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