Meditation And Recovery: Why Consider Meditation

Meditation And Recovery: Why Consider Meditation

During the recovery journey, there are many types of treatment that may be suggested to you. It is important to remember that in recovery, one size does not fit all. Different types of treatment work for different people. In addition to mainstream addiction recovery services, such as those you'll find for detox in Phoenix Arizona,  there are also complementary and alternative approaches. These types of approaches are sometimes referred to as CAM (complementary and alternative approaches to mainstream). Meditation is one such CAM approach to recovery.

What is Meditation?

Many people have a huge misconception about meditation. When you say meditation they automatically think of monks chanting in a temple. Having a good understanding of meditation is the first step in utilizing this tool in your recovery.

Meditation is simply an exercise that helps you focus on connecting your mind and your body. Many people who struggle with addiction also struggle with disconnectedness. There is often a disconnection between their mind, their thoughts, their ideas, and their actions. Taking time each day to focus on better connecting your mind to your body and your actions can have a  tremendous effect on your choices and your life.

During most meditation practices you will find a quiet place free of distractions. You will sit comfortably and simply focus on your breathing, a sound, or even an idea for a certain amount of time. During this time you should focus on not judging yourself. Let thoughts arrive and leave as they like, always returning your focus to your breath. In its most simple form, this is meditation.

How Will Meditation Help Me?

This type of practice helps the individual to focus on their feelings and thoughts of the present moment. You release yourself from the regret of the past. You release yourself from anxiety over the future and you simply sit at this moment with your breath. Over time this practice can help you to accept feelings and thoughts without judgment.

Meditation can help you create a sense of peace and calm in your life. Addiction can sometimes be a result of feelings of loss of control and of pervading chaos. Substance abuse gives individuals a feeling of having a safe place to go to escape. Meditation provides this as well, but without the damaging effects of drugs. Through meditation, you begin to learn that your own inner world is a safe place to be.

In addition to these benefits, meditation has also been shown to have several physical benefits as well.

Additional Benefits of Mediation

Habits and Cravings- A daily meditation practice will give you the opportunity to connect with yourself each day and evaluate the choices you want to make. This is vastly different from the way most people enter their days mindlessly without ever giving their actions and choices real thought. Adding this examination time to your day will, over time, have a dramatic effect on the choices you make concerning habits and cravings.

Sleep- Many people who meditate report having better more restful sleep. This is because you are slowing your thought processes down, which reduces anxiety. Many sleep problems are linked to anxiety.

Improved Mood- As you continue your meditation practice each day, you will begin to feel a sense of being grounded and in better control of your mood and choices. This feeling will affect your mood in general, increasing feelings of confidence and hope.

The road to recovery can be filled with challenges. The best way to overcome these challenges is to have an array of tools you can use. Meditation is one such tool you can add to your recovery process.


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