"Taking that first step will instill greater confidence" with Mallory Meyer
Photo Credit: Fiona Tsun
Mallory is a Soul Activator & Business Mindset Coach, working closely with spiritual entrepreneurs guiding them on their journey to self-discovery, radical transformation, purpose, and fulfillment. Through this journey she supports them in building a profitable and aligned business, weaving the metaphysical with the physical, the soul, and strategy, with intuitive transformational coaching and manifestation, to bring forward your reality at a quantum level.
What are the interview questions for entrepreneurs?
Can you tell our readers about your background?
I'm a Reiki Master, Psychic Medium, Cosmic Channel and certified Life & Success Coach, Hypnotherapist, TIME and NLP practitioner weaving together mysticism and the science of the subconscious mind. I've had a previous life here as a Human Resources professional as well!
What inspired you to start your business?
I followed other people’s dreams for me, rather than my own and felt firsthand the misalignment of not listening to my intuition. I’ve followed what I thought I was supposed to do, what looked good on my resume and what other people would approve of… and found myself completely bored and unfulfilled.
Where is your business based?
I am physically based in Vancouver, BC. That said, all my services are online and therefore have an international presence with clients based in the U.S, UK, Australia, Europe and even South Africa.
How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?
I knew for years there was more for me to achieve than serving someone else's mission in my Corporate role. There was some trial and error at first in attempting other business ventures but through my healing journey, I was enlightened and called deeply towards my highest aligned path. The next choice I made was, investing in myself like I had never done before. I pride myself on figuring things out but when it comes to business, I had to take myself out of it and lead by example. To accelerate my results and be held accountable to my desires, I found a coach that resonated with me and achieved those results I desired. At the end of the day it took courage, commitment, discipline, a growth mindset, and taking messy aligned action!
What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?
Constraining and focusing on my online presence on ONE social media platform, which was (and continues to be) Instagram. In developing my business, I got clear in who and how I serve so I also implemented offline strategies to connect and nurture relationships, sharing with certainty what it is that I do.
What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
My biggest challenge in the beginning was reigning in my passions to ONE offer. You probably see a theme here of ONE being the overarching strategy of my success. In bringing together all that I have to offer and share, it was shifting my mindset into a solution vs. service offering and being able to clearly message and position myself to my clients.
How do you stay focused?
It may seem very intuitive and pragmatic but scheduling in the time, into my calendar, the tasks which require attention to move my business forward while knowing the intention of my focus.
For instance, to create a client, as much as developing a beautiful website or recording a podcast would elevate my presence, it takes me away from truly creating a client, today. I can draw a straight line to creating a client through connection and nurturing a relationship. Thus, not getting lost in the things my mind wants to tell me I “should” be doing, and truly taking action first with focus on what is really important.
How do you differentiate your business from the competition?
I mute the noise as best as possible so I can discern my message and truth at the highest level. I stay grounded in embracing and honouring the journey and having faith in the lessons and feedback I need to receive. Also trusting my day 388 could be someone's say 934. I’m in the mindset of collaboration over competition and through our unique storytelling, an abundance of clients in the market for us to all be successful!
What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?
Consistency. As mentioned, leveraging instagram and sharing value, engaging, and building intimacy through storytelling in the various forms of posts I create. Being in the energy of curiosity and non attachment in my DM’s has also built genuine connections and community.
What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?
The success you witness others having all stems from the depth of their mindset and beliefs. That of which they hold in themselves, their offer, and their clients to be responsible for creating the results. To those aspiring and new entrepreneurs, know and trust that your medicine is needed and when you follow the vision that’s been planted in your heart, the Universe will support you. You are a co-creator here and worthy of all your desires. Taking that first step will instill greater confidence and allow you to move past the fear which you may be stuck in. Embrace the unknown.
What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?
Anatomy of the Spirit is a favourite book of mine as an energy ‘bible’ and truly illuminates going inwards to heal to shift what we are perceiving in our reality. A blog would be YesSupply by Reece Evans. I received my Life and Success coaching certification through her program and is a great mindset leader. The app is Instagram as such a vehicle to my success in business.
What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?
Asana, it keeps me organized and a database for all my social media content. It’s super intuitive and free to use.
Who is your business role model? Why?
Believe it or not, my highest self is my role model. There are so many inspirational leaders out there but no one specifically has impacted the path I walk on or been a driving force in my life. I tuned into my Higher Self and listened to that calling I knew was on the other side of my self-imposed conditions for years to escape the ‘matrix’ and come into my own.
How do you balance work and life?
I believe Being is just as important as Doing. A divine balance between the feminine and masculine energies. I was so deeply embedded in the masculine for years when I was in the Corporate world. I truly see the value of playing, and immersing my soul in nature, has to offer the growth and creativity in my business.
What’s your favorite way to decompress?
Taking a candle lit bath. Water is so healing and I absolutely love being on adventures in nature. Grateful to live in a small mountain town to access nature so easily!
What do you have planned for the next six months?
I’m in the season of my business where I’m scaling so expanding and hiring individuals on my team while also embracing more time to disconnect and go travel as a benefit of the support within the next 6 months. I also have a book and oracle deck that I’m co-authoring which will be launched in the next 6 months!
How can our readers connect with you?
They can find me on Instagram and consume my content @mal.meyer and if curious to learn more about me and my offerings www.whitewolfreiki.ca