"Make sure you write out your vision" with Deni Supplee of Spark Rental
Photo Credit: Erica Scott
Denise (Deni) Supplee has well over thirty years in real estate and property management. She has owned businesses from a bagel shop, tavern, and small multi-family rental. Before striking out on her own once again, she entered the tech world with a start-up website for landlords in 2006. At the age of 55, Deni embarked with her friend and business partner G. Brian Davis in creating Spark Rental desiring a full soup to nuts solution for those desiring to invest in real estate.
Can you tell our readers about your background?
I have been involved in business, mostly real estate since I was 17 years of age. Growing up with a self-made entrepreneurial dad provided me with a bug to do my own thing. I saw my dad fail, learn, and then eventually create a large business that supported many. My father was also an avid real estate investor. I remember when I was a really young girl, laying on the floor and going through the real estate section. Most of my friends were reading the cartoons and I was looking at pictures of homes.
My daughter’s father was a marine and we were stationed in North Carolina. While there, I took courses in real estate. In 1985, we moved to Pennsylvania where I took and passed the real estate exam. I got licensed and started in sales. Later, I was offered a position with a small real estate brokerage to learn property management. I fell in love. I have managed communities from 200 + units eventually becoming a regional manager for a large multi-family investment group.
Eventually, after a divorce, I found myself with 4 young children and on my own. Being creative, I rented an extra room in a house that I rented. That enabled me to work longer hours, as the woman I rented to provided childcare.
Eventually I remarried. My husband always backed my entrepreneur flame. I opened a bagel shop until a flood drowned the business, literally. Shortly thereafter the opportunity to purchase a small multi-unit building that also housed a tavern came my way. Operating a bar was new to me and took it’s toll. Eventually I sold it all for a profit, due to an illness.
I began looking for ways to earn a living from my home office. That is where I entered the tech side of real estate being hired as the operations manager for a very large landlord website startup. That website lives on today and grew to be a multi-million-dollar business.
The bug bit me again and I decided, even at the age of 55 to join forces with a friend and coworker. We created Spark Rental.
What inspired you to start your business?
I met Brian when we worked for a SAAS for landlords. We both would talk about the desire to teach and inspire real estate investors while providing them a resource that would automate property management. Spark Rental was born.
Where is your business based?
Spark Rental is an online web-based business but its location is in my hometown of Willow Grove, PA, which is in a suburb of Philadelphia.
How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?
Being someone who usually jumps too quickly on ideas and opportunities, this time was a much slower process. I did a lot of thinking. I was 55 when we started and wanted to be sure I had the fortitude to keep on going. However, I knew it was the way to go because there is an excitement growing within whenever I spoke about it.
After making the decision, it was time to form the LLC, partnership paperwork and get all the financials in order. Brian and I had vision meetings frequently. And many plans and checklists.
I have had partnerships before that had some problems. We were the perfect partnership. Where I was weak, Brian had strengths and vice a versa. We kept each other balanced. Almost 7 years later, we are going strong.
What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?
My partner and I both had and have a passion for encouraging and teaching others. Both through our experience and through our failures. We began blogging, eventually leading to a live broadcast on Facebook, that still is ongoing and now a podcast. Creating courses and free webinars were our next step. And of course, social media played a huge part.
What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
Initially our biggest challenge was web development. Although I had many years working for a tech company, my tech experience from the development side was not strong. We lost thousands hiring the wrong tech company. We endured a large, failed partnership along with way and then, of course Covid.
If I am to be honest, there was a point shortly after Covid, where I started with much negative self-talk. I was about ready to throw in the towel citing that I am too old for this. I have a strong faith, supportive family, and an awesome business partner all who kept cheering me on. And I remembered my dad. He failed and failed but just kept going. So, I kept going. And I am glad I did.
How do you stay focused?
I am a multitasker through and through. And oddly this is what kept me focusing. In my early twenties, I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Not being one for meds, I decided I would figure another way.
For me having several tasks to deal with has always worked. Additionally, management and operations came to me naturally. To keep myself focused I have become a list maker and a note taker. Since technology has evolved, there are many more resources that not only keep me on task but enable to focus better.
How do you differentiate your business from the competition?
Spark Rental is not a huge corporate giant. We are a small company led by people who care. Truly care. And that heart to teach and encourage and see people succeed has been our differentiator.
What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?
Good, strong, and interesting content to begin with. Additionally creating a strong social media presence. We are admins for one of the largest landlord groups on Facebook with over 37K.
What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?
Make sure you write out your vision. I create vision boards at the beginning of each year. In the last two years, I actually have a gathering of women friends and we do it together. We then share our visions with each other. I hang that vision board up where I can see it.
Expect there to be obstacles. But do not give up! Each of those hurdles and challenges helps you grow which helps the business grow.
What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?
My favorite app besides Spark Rental’s, lol, is Asana. It is a powerful organizational project manager. I love it! My favorite blog is Bigger Pockets, Paula Pant’s Afford Anything. And as far as a book, it is definitely the classic Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.
What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?
There are so many tools that I use.
In addition to operating Spark Rental, I also am a treasurer for my church, an active real estate agent and I have a personal blog on Facebook. Google calendar is a lifesaver. I schedule my meetings, appointments and tasks.
I would say that QuickBooks helps me stay financially organized. Between transactions automatically downloading, it is one of the easiest bookkeeping resources out there.
I love Upwork! I have been blessed to find great people to assist with many tasks in running Spark Rental.
Who is your business role model? Why?
My business role model is my father. He is no longer alive, but I can hear his wisdom whenever I seem to need it most. He did not go to college. Yet he was one of the most successful men I know. He also had a very giving and generous spirit.
He built a business from scratch. It was a business that removed silver from X-rays. It provided for many families. It is still a viable business today.
How do you balance work and life?
If I am to be completely honest here, this is and has been a challenge for me. I have to be completely mindful. I set alarms for everything. My husband, my kids, and my best friend remind me to take breaks.
What’s your favorite way to decompress?
Spending time with my grandkids makes me happiest. There are eleven of them ranging in age of 1 on up to 17 years of age. I like to travel and make frequent trips to the mountains, and visit Florida (I have family there).
My faith is very important to me. I write a Christian blog called TYJ Ministries on Facebook and must say that enables me to keep focused and rested.
What do you have planned for the next six months?
Spark Rental has some new features coming out and I am very excited about that! We will also be doing more free webinars. On a personal level, my husband and I purchased a small camper and plan on doing a whole lot of traveling.
How can our readers connect with you?
I am available via email: Denise@SparkRental.com
Link: https://sparkrental.com