Next Chapters: It’s never too late to follow your dreams with Kimberly Schafer
Colin McDonald
Kimberly Schafer is a lifelong explorer, retiring from a decades-long career in academic research administration and embarking on a new chapter as an inventor and entrepreneur. She started working on her invention, the Ring Thing®, in 2014 and launched her patented product in 2020. She is active in service, travels often and far, has a close circle of family and friends, and has been a practicing Buddhist for more than 20 years. Kimberly is fully enjoying this next chapter in life.
Can you tell our readers about your background?
I grew up in Northern California, largely on a ranch in the Sierra Nevada foothills. My parents co-directed an alternative boarding school on the ranch for several years and when we moved to Chico, California as I entered high school, it felt like moving to the big city – the highway had two lanes! After graduating from Chico State University, I went on to get a Masters's Degree in Preventive Medicine from The Ohio State University and spent 33 years at UC San Diego in academic medical research. I was the Administrative Director of the Center for AIDS Research for 15 years, and the Director of Clinical Operations for the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study for more than 14 years. I had the gift of working with some of the world’s best scientists, and am forever grateful for that opportunity.
I have been a Buddhist for more than 20 years, and have had the privilege of traveling to Nepal 10 times to receive teachings. I love to travel and have been all over the world. Traveling has taught me that we really are a global village, and also that kindness is an international language, whether you speak the local language or not. And I’ve learned that a smile is never wasted.
What inspired you to start your business?
When I went to nail salons, there was nowhere safe to store my rings. I kept tucking them into my purse or leaving them on top of the technician’s table. I thought there had to be a better way, and I decided to see what I could design. Then as I talked to friends it became clear that there are so many places people need to take off their rings. Not just the nail salon, but at the gym, spa, while traveling, working at home, and more. It seemed like an unmet need that crossed all ages, genders, and walks of life. It was so different from my work at the University, and I was excited to try. I didn’t want to go through life wondering what might have been – I decided to go for it. I continued working at the University full-time, so my progress on my business was slow but steady. I’ve recently retired from the University and am focusing on my business as my next chapter.
Where is your business based?
I am based in San Diego, California, and the Ring Thing® is manufactured in National City, California, just 15 minutes from my home. It was important to me that it was made in the US.
How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?
My first prototype was made from a paper towel–like origami. I showed it to friends, got input, tweaked the design a little, and in 2014 I hired an engineering intern to help with the drawings. We made 3-D models until I felt I had it right. I submitted a provisional patent application and the business developed from there. I am currently a one-woman business but received support and encouragement from friends and family at each step.
What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?
I have found that putting myself out there has been the most effective way to raise awareness of my business. That has included personal presentations, talking to strangers, having active social media accounts, reaching out to other businesses, and selling on Etsy, Amazon, and through my own website. Everyone either has lost a ring or knows someone who has, so it is easy for people to see the need and to connect regarding their stories. I am naturally an introvert, so this has been a really good lesson in the power of vulnerability and connection.
What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
My biggest challenges have been my own lack of business experience and also figuring out how to manufacture the Ring Thing®. My background is in science and administration, and moving into the world of business and marketing has been both challenging and exciting. This is my next chapter in life and while I am not young in years, I am a young entrepreneur and learning every day. I receive mentoring through the SCORE program, and that has been instrumental in helping me understand and grow my business. I also make it a point to talk often to business people I meet, usually through my Rotary Club or through friends – I ask a lot of questions, listen and learn as much as I can. For the manufacturing component, I really didn’t know where to start and didn’t know anything about injection molding. I did a lot of research, talked with different companies, and identified a local injection molding company to work with. It took me a few years to figure it out and I feel like I’ve learned a whole new language.
How do you stay focused?
I meditate every day and am a big user of lists. I start each day with a list of what I will accomplish, the people I will reach out to, and any items not done from the previous day. I also have accountability built into my life, including my SCORE mentors and friends. Being a sole proprietor can lead to a lack of focus, i.e., what will it matter if I take a few days off? Having planned accountability to myself and to others has helped me stay focused.
How do you differentiate your business from the competition?
There is almost no competition, so I focus on raising awareness about the Ring Thing® and the benefits of having a safe and easy way to keep rings safe and avoid loss. For me, the main competition is people not being aware of how often they put rings into their purses, pockets, gym bags, or shoes with no protection. Once people understand the idea, it is very well received.
What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?
Reaching out to potential customers and vendors every day. I do something related to Ring Thing marketing every single day. I find that by reaching out to people, I hear their feedback and get new marketing ideas. For example, someone I talked to about the Ring Thing® pointed out that mechanics really could benefit from it, as they need to take their rings off to work with their tools. I had never thought of that and perhaps would not have if I hadn’t been listening to this person’s thoughts. I try to find the right balance of sharing information about the Ring Thing® and listening to feedback and new ideas.
What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?
Don’t give up! When I was in graduate school, my advisor told me that the people who finish their degrees aren’t necessarily the smartest, but they were the most persistent. I have found this to be true in every aspect of life – take one step at a time, and keep moving forward. I’ve decided that my spirit animal is a woodpecker, and that has both made me smile a lot and also rings very true. Persistence is key.
What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?
My favorite app is Notes. I use it all of the time and it helps me keep track of to-do lists, bits of information, and brainstorming notes-to-self. My favorite blog right now is Mugwort-Born, which is Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche’s memoir-in-progress. I love reading his stories and he has a wonderful way of expressing himself. My favorite book is The Little Prince. I have loved it since reading it as a child, and find that its simplicity and depth teach me something every time I read it. I even have a pop-up version!
What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?
My SCORE mentors are my favorite business resources. They have been invaluable – they have an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience and are very generous about sharing what they have learned in business. I reach out to them as needed between our scheduled sessions and they teach and inspire me every time we talk.
Who is your business role model? Why?
Diane Von Furstenberg is my business role model. She started with one dress style, and it’s now forever linked with her. She started simply, stayed true to her vision, and believed in herself. She also is very involved in philanthropy, which is important to me. I donate a portion of the sale of each Ring Thing® to anti-human trafficking non-profits, and I hope to be able to give more as my business grows.
How do you balance work and life?
I find time every day to meditate, play with my dogs, spend time with my loved ones, exercise, and take a moment to look around to see the beauty nearby. I don’t put specific time requirements on these things, but make sure to do them every day. Even if the time spent on each is short on a given day, I feel better for having done them, and it helps me feel the ground under my feet.
What’s your favorite way to decompress?
I love to go on long walks – it always clears my mind. Sometimes I listen to podcasts or talk on the phone while walking, and sometimes I just walk. I usually go for a 6-mile walk every Saturday morning, and look forward to it during the week. Feeling the air, sun and wind are very effective stress relievers for me.
What do you have planned for the next six months?
I am focusing on growing my business and will be doing my first live events – golf tournaments, bridal shows, and more. I plan to connect with more companies, including jewelry and clothing, and increase awareness of the Ring Thing ®. I am upgrading my marketing materials, including photos and brochures, and will use them for marketing and on my website. I am also going on vacation with 4 of my girlfriends this summer. We are going to St. Lucia for a week to rest and enjoy being together.
How can our readers connect with you?
I would love to connect and can be reached through the following:
Instagram: @Ring_Thing_
Facebook: Ring Thing