"If you are passionate about it and authentic (not trying to be someone you’re not) I have no doubt you can succeed" with Jené Luciani

Jene Luciani

I’m Jené Luciani, an internationally-renowned bestselling author of four books, a nationally known bra guru, a lifestyle expert, and reporter on national TV shows such as Today and Dr. Oz, touted as one of Woman’s World Magazine’s “Ultimate Experts,” brand ambassador, TEDTalk speaker, and a busy Mom!  

Can you tell our readers about your background?  

I always say it takes 20 years to become an overnight success! I started as a TV news producer right out of college. I was immediately thrown into the fire, so to speak, covering the terrorist attacks on 9/11 from ground zero and the presidential elections. I moved to NYC where I continued in local news then learned of a job from a friend, doing media relations for a broadcast PR company that specialized in lifestyle and fashion. My parents owned a clothing boutique while I was growing up so I was always drawn to the topic, and even had a fashion advice column in my high school newspaper! When I took that job, I began producing fashion content for the company and covered fashion week in NYC, interviewing designers like Michael Kors and Betsy Johnson.

I began reaching out to magazines to freelance write and ended up becoming the fashion editor and columnist for The Wag, a magazine in Westchester County, NY, where I lived. Through that, I started booking myself on camera as a fashion expert and got the idea for my first book (and now bestselling book) The Bra Book (which is now in its second printing!) Local tv spots led to national and I know am the author of 4 books (also Get It! Co-authored with Jacqueline Laurita, and GiGi Gets a Bra), and spent a decade as a regular fixture on shows including Today, Dr. Oz and Wendy! I also speak at events and do public appearances, and work as a brand ambassador. Most recently, I launched SOMA Intimates on QVC and served as their brand ambassador on the network for two years. I also work as the brand ambassador for SKINEEZ Skincarewear. Now, I’m working on my own bra line that I think will help to uplift women everywhere in a unique way that hasn’t been seen yet! 

What inspired you to start your business? 

I have always been driven to follow my heart and my passion. I also truly love helping other women and busy moms like myself! This is the best of both worlds because I get to see my creative visions come to life, as well as feel like I’m making a difference in women’s lives.

Where is your business based?

I’m in New York’s Capital Region. 

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

Leaving a full-time producing job to branch out on my own took a huge leap of faith. I had the idea for The Bra Book at the time, which many around me thought was silly. I knew I’d be able to turn it into something special. I started by putting my LinkedIn profile out there and that I was working on a book. My literary agents found me through that. I also researched how to write a non-fiction book proposal. I freelanced to pay the bills in the meantime. Getting my book deal was the huge first step in branding myself and becoming the influencer and consultant I am today.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business? 

I am very PR and marketing savvy so that helps a lot. I networked as much as possible, and explored any and every opportunity and avenue! 

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them? 

I have had many no’s along the way, many naysayers and many doors slammed in my face. I just don’t let it get to me! More recently, as I’ve had many years of success, I’ve had people actively try and hurt my reputation or my business. You have to just stay positive and keep it moving. I believe in the law of attraction and what you put out, comes back to you. I try to live my life by that motto.

How do you stay focused?

 With 4 kids and them basically at home all the time due to the pandemic, I can tell you it has not been easy! You just do the best you can to stay on track. I just make sure that whatever I’m doing, I feel passionate and good about it. If I don’t, it’s not right.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition? 

There can only be one you! 

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?  

I’ve formed relationships with other reporters so that they come to me when there is a bra article…just keeping my name out there helps! Being visible on social media helps too.

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs? 

If you are passionate about it and authentic (ie not trying to be someone you’re not) I have no doubt you can succeed. I am proof!

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

I don’t really utilize many apps other than the social ones and my favorite books are those by authors like Gabby Bernstein and Abraham-Hicks. They help me stay positive and on-track, manifesting the next big thing in my life! 

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why? 

The Facebook groups for PR and media professionals (Sharing Opps and PRMM) have been very helpful, as well as HARO (help a reporter). 

Who is your business role model? Why? 

OPRAH and Martha Stewart! Both have made a living off their passion, and in an amazing way, help so many others. They are also authentic and unabashedly themselves.

How do you balance work and life? 

Every day is different and often times the scales tip one way or the other. I just do the best I can! If I’m overloaded with work, I take the time to work. I try to make sure we have lots of family time too which hasn’t been hard lately!

What’s your favorite way to decompress? 

 The Spa!!!! And family bike rides.

What do you have planned for the next six months? 

The future is pretty uncertain for many of us with the pandemic so I focus on the moment and living one day at a time! 

How can our readers connect with you? 

JeneLuciani.com is my website and on Instagram I’m @JeneonTV and on Facebook, you can find me at “Jene Luciani” or The Bra Book.


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