"I have an intuitive nature" with Cindy Kennedy
Cindy Kennedy / Photo by Robert E. Lajoie
Cindy Kennedy is a Family Nurse Practitioner who developed her own podcast series, Living With Lyme, centering around Lyme disease education. After her Lyme illness experience, she realized the need for an integrative approach to all chronic illnesses and started her own private practice, Pursue Wellness. Alongside her daughter, Kerah Henebery, a registered dietitian, they offer a personalize approach to each of the patients. Cindy enjoys sharing her knowledge as a speaker at Lyme conferences and support groups. www.livingwithlyme.us and www.pursuewellness.us
Can you tell our readers about your background?
I am a board-certified family nurse practitioner with over 21 years of experience in women’s health. I had a very successful practice within an OB/GYN group before I left to start a new journey as a healthcare entrepreneur. My podcast series was started before leaving to begin my own practice, Pursue Wellness. I was fortunate to start my nursing career in Boston, MA at Beth Israel Hospital and Brigham and Women’s.
What inspired you to start your business?
I struggled for years to find the cause of declining health, despite seeing nearly a dozen healthcare providers. Once I finally received a Lyme diagnosis, I searched the web for more information, which was lacking credibility. Having a warm and outgoing personality it was suggested that I gather the credible education that was needed and get it out to the Lyme community. Here came the birth of Living With Lyme podcast series.
My private practice came out of educating myself through my podcast guests and studies, that proved chronic illness needs a different approach to heal.
Where is your business based?
As a podcaster, my base is my home, however, it can be anywhere there is internet service. My practice has a video conferencing platform as well. I can reach people at their home or work.
How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?
Both businesses were started with research, making connections, and hard work. I needed to get legal assistance for a LLC, find a producer, graphic artist, and web master. I was lucky that one led to another. For the healthcare practice, I hired a business coach to keep me on track.
What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?
I find that networking and social media has been very successful for my practice. Through the podcast subscribers and my previous GYN patients who follow me, people are able to reach out to me with questions and request care.
What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
Lyme disease is at epidemic proportions worldwide . There are no shortages for those who have become affected by this tick-borne illness. Lyme disease warriors are notorious for searching the web for more information and experts’ protocols. I have been very fortunate to have many sought after experts to share their knowledge on the podcast. My podcast is 19 months since inception. It has been listened to in 39 countries and has been downloaded over 34,000 times.
How do you stay focused?
I have an intuitive nature. I follow my gut and listen to my power to keep me moving forward. I schedule “fun time” for needed refreshers. I have a great family and special friends who have stuck with me through my health struggles.
How do you differentiate your business from the competition?
My biggest difference has to be approaching everything with a side of humor. I never underestimate anyone’s suffering; however, a little laughter is good for the soul.
What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?
As I explained above, social media gives me the biggest reach.
What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?
Be patient with the process and let the growth be organic. I had difficulty with remaining in the moment, but quickly learned a slow and steady course will help with not becoming overwhelmed too easily.
What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?
I could not live without my ICD-code App for diagnostic insurance codes. I need access quickly when filling out lab slips. My favorite blog may be Aviva Romm MD. She is a big women’s health educator. I have so many resource books that I depend on that choosing one is too difficult.
What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?
I love Canva and Unsplash for templates and graphics to design posts and blogs.
Who is your business role model?
I have been very fortunate to have several role models. One is my husband, Joe, who always reminds me where I came from and keeps me grounded. Next is Brian Case, our financial advisor who has given me unconditional support. And lastly, Michele Miller, my trusted friend, acquired through my Lyme struggle. She has developed a large non-profit for Lyme education and treatment after losing her mother to Lyme disease.
What do you have planned for the next six months?
I feel that over the next 6 months, I’d like to develop with Kerah, programs to educate my followers about the importance of gut health and nutrition, as this is the basis for health.
How can our readers connect with you?
I can be reached through either of my websites as well as: