Building an Explosive Business Around Your Life’s Priorities with Andie Monet
Photo credit: Dawn Nicoli
Andie Monet is a Business Optimization Expert. She has advised Fortune 500 corporations, small businesses, and foreign and domestic governments. With over 3 decades of experience, she passionately helps businesses create explosive profits without adding costs or hours to the day.
Can you tell our readers about your background?
I think my background is very unusual. My first degree was in engineering and physics because I love math, problem-solving, critical thinking, and learning about how things work.
What inspired you to start your business?
Originally, I really was not “inspired”. I had to create a way to make money, make a living, and just really survive. But looking back decades later, I realized that I had seen and read many business books in my family’s library. The word “business” had always been a deep “magnet” calling my name. I loved reaching. And because I loved figuring things out, critical thinking, different ways to look at something, and how things worked, business was always “in my blood”.
How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?
I was 16 years old when I started my first business because I found myself homeless when my single mother abandoned me. Long story short, I realized two things that day. First, I was responsible for my own success in life. And two, what action would I take today to get me closer to that “success”. On that night, my first action was “where do I sleep tonight”. But it was a mentality that has really excelled my success in life.
What has been the most effective ways of raising awareness for your business?
Even though I am an introvert, I’m really passionate about making a difference in the world because every little bit helps. That being said, I love being the person that I never had when I started my business. So, I’m very friendly, open and genuine about helping people get to their next growth level. At the end of the day, I just put myself “out there”.
What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
I have had many challenges over 35 years of business ownership. Challenges are not strangers to any business owner. However, my biggest challenges were when I started at 16 years old. I knew nothing. I had no mentor, no family, and no idea what to do. Everything, literally, I “created” from nothing. The first big hurdle with how do I get people to say “yes” to me! Overcoming this, as well as any other challenge, came down to two questions: Trial and error. And a lot of determination. Remember, at 16, I didn’t have any other methodology!
How do you stay focused?
We only succeed as much as we can be focused! I have a “system” that has worked for decades. The short explanation is really simple. Brainstorm on all the things that I want to accomplish. Categorize them in whatever way makes sense, for example “business development”, “sales”, etc. Pick my Top 5 for short-term immediate goals and Top 5 for long-term goals. Each night, write down one action for each of the 10 goals that will get me closer to reaching them. These actions can be as small as sending and email or doing a Google search. This practice creates momentum, focus, and self-accountability.
How do you differentiate your business from the competition?
I am different in two ways. First, I ONLY create business growth solutions without adding new costs or hours to the day. Second, I don’t grow businesses for their financial success, but because I get to know my clients “as a person”, not as a business. I support them towards their personal life goals, which the business is just one part.
What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?
Exposure is one of the most important marketing strategies. It’s not just about a website or social media, but “internet search” exposure! That’s what I call it, “Internet Exposure”. This means that when my name is searched, there are several options to explain what I do, who I am, and why I do what I do. Most importantly, I share my story and my journey as an entrepreneur. This is really important to me because I want to be the resource that I never had when I started my business. It’s scary being a business owner. There are lots of question; lots of tears; lots of fear. Sharing my stories helps people find hope that anything is possible, and that I do have a lot of answers to many people’s “nightmares”.
What’s your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?
Don’t just know why you’re doing what you’re doing. Understand why your why is your why. That doesn’t make sense as first. But read it again, slowly. Once you’re honest and vulnerable, you’ll really know the answer. It’s more than passion, but it’s something much deeper that provides an endless fuel to your fire.
Similarly, and most common, is that many people will not support you. Not even friends, family, or a spouse may support your vision. But here’s the key. Know two things. First, of course they are not going to understand. It’s not their vision or dream. It’s your vision and dream. Second, they are “not supporting you” because they are supporting you. They don’t want you to get hurt, disappointed, or feel like a failure. Once you understand that they are supporting you in their own way, you may grow to love their “unsupportiveness”, as I have over the past 3 decades.
What’s your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?
App? Instagram. Why? Because it’s fast and I have enough time to “detach from thinking” for a few minutes. Blog? Anything from Zig Ziglar, even though they aren’t blogs. Why? Because that man has words to really put business as a side-effect of how precious and important life is. So make a difference in your personal life and your business life. Book? I have many, but two of my favorites are “10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure” by Grant Cardone and “It Takes What It Takes” by Trevor Moawad. I really love these books because anyone who has ever been, or wants to be an entrepreneur can feel like they are weird, or odd, or different. These books explain that this is normal, okay, and necessary to succeed. They also go into strengthening mental toughness which is necessary when being an entrepreneur.
What’s your favorite business tool or resource? Why?
Don’t laugh, but it’s my phone. My clients can call me, text me, email, SM me. This is how I “love” on my clients and show them that I care. From another standpoint, any “business intelligence” system or app is necessary for explosive growth.
Who is your business role model? Why?
My business role model is Zig Ziglar because he had such a great heart, cared for so many people, and really showed me that I caring and loving on clients was okay. I also really love anyone is shares their challenging journey. I don’t know any entrepreneurs journey that doesn’t involve a lot of tears, fears, and doubt. When you hear that someone literally spent their last $5 on a pizza, and didn’t know what would happen “tomorrow”, that’s true fear and challenge. We’ve all been through it.
How do you balance work and life?
I can create explosive growth in a company without adding costs or hours to the day. I don’t do this for my, or my clients’ financial success. I do it because I believe with everything in me, that once you can be honest and deliberate about what your values and priorities are in life, THEN you create a thriving and successful business or career around those priorities. This method removes anxiety and stress, as well as increases mental and physical health, even patience. So how do I create balance? I have my “life” first and then my “work”. It sounds scary and difficult, but I know first hand, it will change your life!
What’s your favorite way to decompress?
Watch a movie! I usually watch romcom or science fiction! It’s an easy way to spend a few hours not thinking about too much. That being said, I love hikes and the mountains, but that just requires more time. And for a longer “decompression”, I go to my family’s lake cabin with no internet or TV. We are usually there for a month during the summer. And we spend the entire time with Grandma. A woman who I would do anything for!
What do you have planned for the next six months?
I always have lots planned. Some people call me a productivity-aholic! But it’s mostly because I love new opportunities to make a difference in the world. So I’m organizing my youth summer camps for leadership, entrepreneurship, and life skills because school simply does not prepare children for life and work. I’m launching my DIY courses with optional live coaching. And not do I have five books being published in the next 6 months, but I decided to give others the same opportunity. I created a publishing project that is looking for entrepreneurs, consultants, and experts to share their transformation stories, wisdom and insight, or tips and tricks to share with the world. I’m super excited about these.
How can our reads connect with you?
I can be reached most of the social media platforms, plus email, or scheduling time from my website. I love connecting, collaborating, brainstorming, helping, and meeting new friends!