Practical Tips to Increase Your Daily Email Productivity
Productivity Kristin Marquet Productivity Kristin Marquet

Practical Tips to Increase Your Daily Email Productivity

Most of us spend a lot of time reading, answering, and organizing dozens of emails, some of us more so than others. Emails have a rather utilitarian quality about them, after all. It’s an “always on” technology that we simply can no longer do without. 

But have you ever wondered if you’re handling emails correctly? 

Diligently sending and receiving emails day in and day out is not enough for the modern worker. You need to measure your email productivity to ensure you’re using your time well. 

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How To Succeed as a Female Entrepreneur
Business Growth Kristin Marquet Business Growth Kristin Marquet

How To Succeed as a Female Entrepreneur

The gender disparity among business owners is very high. One reason is that male leadership has always been applauded. Meanwhile, women have always met hostility in the workplace and entrepreneurial world.

That said, women can be far more compassionate towards employees, ethical in practices, and forge strong business connections. Female entrepreneurs can succeed even though men dominate the business world. Here are some qualities that can help you establish your own company. 

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